The following is a list of recent publications from our lab group. For earlier publications, please see lab member Google Scholar profiles from our People page.
Hysen, L., Wan, H.Y., Jantz, P., Gagnon, J. and Cushman, S.A., 2025. Variability in habitat selection between herds for a widespread ungulate. Ecological Modelling, 501, p.110991,
Fagua, J.C. and Jantz, P., 2024. Mapping Tropical Dry Forest Gradients in an Andean Region with High Environmental Variability. Ecological Indicators, 168, p.112744,
Berner, L.T., Orndahl, K.M., Rose, M., Tamstorf, M., Arndal, M.F., Alexander, H.D., Humphreys, E.R., Loranty, M.M., Ludwig, S.M., Nyman, J. … Goetz, S. J., 2024. The Arctic plant aboveground biomass synthesis dataset. Scientific Data, 11(1), p.305.
Burns, P., Hakkenberg, C., Goetz, S.J. Gridded GEDI Vegetation Structure Metrics and Biomass Density at Multiple Resolutions. Nature Scientific Data. 11(1):881,
Burrell, A.L., Cooperdock, S., Potter, S., Berner, L.T., Hember, R., Macander, M.J., Walker, X.J., Massey, R., Foster, A.C., Mack, M.C., Goetz, S.J., Rogers, B. The predictability of near‐term forest biomass change in boreal North America. Ecosphere, 15(1), p.e4737.
Cushman, S.A., Kaszta, Z.M., Burns, P., Hakkenberg, C.R., Jantz, P., Macdonald, D.W., Brodie, J.F., Deith, M.C. and Goetz, S.J. Simulating multi-scale optimization and variable selection in species distribution modeling. Ecological Informatics,
East, A., Hansen, A., Jantz, P., Currey, B., Roberts, D.W. and Armenteras, D., 2024. Validation and Error Minimization of Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) Relative Height Metrics in the Amazon. Remote Sensing, 16(19), p.3550,
Doughty, C. E., Gaillard, C., Burns, P.,Malhi, Y., Shenkin, A., Minor, D., Duncanson, L., Aguirre‐Gutiérrez, J., Goetz, S.J., Hao, T. Satellite derived trait data slightly improves tropical forest biomass, NPP and GPP estimates. Journal of GeophysicalResearch: Biogeosciences, 129, e2024JG008108.
Hakkenberg, C.R.; Clark, M.; Bailey, T.; Burns, P. and S.J. Goetz. 2024. Ladder fuels rather than canopy volumes consistently predict wildfire severity even in extreme topographic-weather conditions. Nature Communications Earth & Environment. 5:721.
Hansen, A. J., Aragon-Osejo, J., González, I., Jantz, P., Goetz, S. J., et al. Developing national complementary indicators of SDG15 that consider forest quality: Applications in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, Ecological Indicators, 159, 111654.
Liu, Z., Rogers, B. M., Keppel-Aleks, G., Helbig, M., … Berner, L. T., Goetz, S., et al. Seasonal CO2 amplitude in northern high latitudes. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment,
Miller, C. E., Griffith, P. C., Hoy, E., … and Goetz, S. J. The ABoVE L-band and P-band airborne synthetic aperture radar surveys, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 16, 2605–2624,
Pillay, R., Watson, J.E., Goetz, S., Hansen, A.J., Jantz, P., Ramírez-Delgado, J.P., Grantham, H.S., Ferrier, S. and Venter, O. The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework needs headline indicators that can actually monitor forest integrity. Environmental Research: Ecology, 3 043001,
Quinn, C.A., Burns, P., Jantz, P., Salas, L., Goetz, S.J., Clark, M.L. Soundscape mapping: understanding regional spatial and temporal patterns of soundscapes incorporating remotely-sensed predictors and wildfire disturbance. Environmental Research: Ecology, 3(2):025002,
Keany, J.M., Burns, P., Abraham, A.J., Jantz, P., Makaga, L., Saatchi, S., Maisels, F., Abernethy, K. and Doughty, C.E., 2024. Using multiscale lidar to determine variation in canopy structure from African forest elephant trails. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation,
Sundquist, S., Lutz, D., Foster, A., Fulé, P. & Goetz, S., 2024. Integrating remotely sensed imagery in a forest gap model to study North American boreal forests in a changing world. Environ. Res.: Ecology, 3, 045001.
Zhang, Y., Wang, J.A., Berner, L.T., Goetz, S.J., Zhao, K. and Liu, Y., 2024. Warming and disturbances affect Arctic-boreal vegetation resilience across northwestern North America. Nature Ecology & Evolution,
Zhu, X., Chen, D., Kogure, M., Hoy, E., Berner, L., … and Goetz, S. J., A synthesized field survey database of vegetation and active layer properties for the Alaskan tundra (1972–2020), Earth Syst. Sci. Data.
Berner, L. T., Assmann, J. J., Normand, S. & Goetz, S. J., 2023. LandsatTS: an R package to facilitate retrieval, cleaning, cross-calibration, and phenological modeling of Landsat time-series data. Ecography, 9, e06768.
Brodie, J.F., Mohd-Azlan, J., Chen, C., Wearn, O.R., Deith, M.C., Ball, J.G., Slade, E.M., Burslem, D.F., Teoh, S.W., Williams, P.J., Nguyen, A., Moore, J. H., Goetz, S. J., Burns, P., Jantz, P., Hakkenberg, C. R., Kaszta, Z. M., Cushman, S., Coomes, D., Helmy, O. E., Reynolds, G., Rodríguez, J. P., and Luskin, M. Landscape-scale benefits of protected areas for tropical biodiversity. Nature, 620(7975), 807-812.
Clark, M. L., Salas, L., Baligar, S., Quinn, C. A., Snyder, R. L., Leland, D., Schackwitz, W., Goetz, S. J. Newsam, S. The effect of soundscape composition on bird vocalization classification in a citizen science biodiversity monitoring project, Ecological Informatics, 75 (102065).
Duncanson, L., Liang, M., Leitold, V., Armston, J., Krishna Moorthy, S.M., Dubayah, R., Costedoat, S., Enquist, B.J., Fatoyinbo, L., Goetz, S.J. and Gonzalez-Roglich, M. The effectiveness of global protected areas for climate change mitigation. Nature Communications, 14(1).
Hakkenberg, C.R., Atkins, J.W., Brodie, J.F., Burns, P., Cushman, S., Jantz, P., Kaszta, Z., Quinn, C.A., Rose, M.D., and S.J. Goetz. 2023. Inferring alpha, beta, and gamma plant diversity across biomes with GEDI spaceborne lidar. Environmental Research: Ecology. 2(3), 035005.
Hakkenberg, C.R., Tang, H., Burns, P., and S.J. Goetz. 2023. Canopy structure from space using GEDI lidar. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 21.1: 55-56.
Massey, R., Berner, L. T., Foster, A. C., Goetz, S. J. & Vepakomma, U., 2023. Remote Sensing Tools for Monitoring Forests and Tracking Their Dynamics. In: Girona, M.M., Morin, H., Gauthier, S., Bergeron, Y. (eds) Boreal Forests in the Face of Climate Change. Advances in Global Change Research, vol 74. Springer.
Massey, R., Rogers, B. M., Berner, L. T., Cooperdock, S., Mack, M. C., Walker, X. J. & Goetz, S. J., 2023. Forest composition change and biophysical climate feedbacks across boreal North America. Nature Climate Change, 13, 1368–1375.
Quinn C. A., Burns P., Hakkenberg C.R., Salas L., Pasch B., Goetz S. J., Clark M. L. Soundscape components inform acoustic index patterns and refine estimates of bird species richness. Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 4:1156837.
Walker, X. J., Okano, K., Berner, L. T., Massey, R., Goetz, S. J., Johnstone, J. F. & Mack, M. C., 2023. Shifts in Ecological Legacies Support Hysteresis of Stand Type Conversions in Boreal Forests. Ecosystems, 26, 1796–1805.
Williams, C. A., Andrews, A., Brown, M., Davis, K. J., Hoffman, F., Larson L., Poulter, B., Shrestha, G., Sundquist E. T., Wei, Y., … Goetz, S. J., et al. 2022 North American Carbon Program Science Implementation Plan. (C. A. Williams, Ed.). Washington, DC: U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program (US CCSP).
Berner, L.T. and Goetz, S.J., 2022. Satellite observations document trends consistent with a boreal forest biome shift. Global change biology.
Dubayah, R., Armston, J., Healey, S., Bruening, J., Patterson, P., Kellner, J., Duncanson L., Saarela, S., Stahl, G., Yang, Z., Tang, Hm., Blair, J. B., Fatoyinbo, L., Goetz, S. J., Hancock, S., Hansen, M., Hofton, M., Hurtt G., Luthcke, S., 2022. GEDI Launches a New Era of Biomass Inference from Space. Environmental Research Letters.
Duncanson, L., Kellner, J. R., Armston, J., Dubayah, R., Minor, D. M., Hancock, S., Healey, S. P., Patterson, P. L., Saarela, S., Marselis, S., Silva, C. E., Bruening, J., Goetz, S.J. and 80 others, 2022. Aboveground biomass density models for NASA’s Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) lidar mission. Remote Sensing of Environment, 270, 112845.
Foster, A., Shuman, J. K., Rogers, B. M., Walker, X., Mack, M. C., Bourgeau-Chavez, L., Veraverbeke, S., Goetz, S. J., 2022. Bottom-up drivers of future fire regimes in western boreal North America. Environmental Research Letters, 17(2) 025006.
Foster A C, Wang J A, Frost G V, Davidson S J, Hoy E, Turner K W, Sonnentag O, Epstein H, Berner L T, Armstrong A H, Kang M, Rogers B M, Campbell E, Miner K R, Orndahl K M, Bourgeau-Chavez L L, Lutz D A, French N, Chen D, Du J, Shestakova T A, Shuman J K, Tape K, Virkkala A-M, Potter C, Goetz S. Disturbances in North American boreal forest and Arctic tundra: impacts, interactions, and responses. Environmental Research Letters 17 113001.
Frost, G. V., M. J. Macander, U. S. Bhatt, L. T. Berner, J. W. Bjerke, H. E. Epstein, B. C. Forbes, S. J. Goetz, M. J. Lara, T. Park, G. K. Phoenix, S. P. Serbin, H. Tømmervik, D. A. Walker, and D. Yang. Tundra greenness. NOAA Arctic Report Card 2021, T. A. Moon, M. L. Druckenmiller, and R. L. Thoman (Eds.),
Goetz, S., Dubayah, R. and Duncanson, L., 2022. Revisiting the status of forest carbon stock changes in the context of the measurement and monitoring needs, capabilities and potential for addressing reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. Environmental Research Letters, 17(11) 111003.
Goetz, S. J. Introducing Environmental Research: Ecology — a new journal devoted to addressing global challenges at the interface of environmental and ecological science, biodiversity and conservation. Environmental Research: Ecology, 1(1), 10401.
Macander, M. J., Nelson, P., Nawrocki, T. W., Frost, G. V., Orndahl, K. M., Palm, E. C., Wells, A. F., Goetz, S. J., 2022. Time-series maps reveal widespread change in plant functional type cover across arctic and boreal Alaska and Yukon. Environmental Research Letters. 17(5) 054042.
Orndahl, K. M., Ehlers, L. P. W., Herriges, J. D., Pernick, R. E., Hebblewhite, M., & Goetz, S. J., 2022. Mapping tundra ecosystem plant functional type cover, height and aboveground biomass in Alaska and northwest Canada using unmanned aerial vehicles. Arctic Science.
Orndahl, K.M., Macander, M.J., Berner, L.T. and Goetz, S., 2022. Plant functional type aboveground biomass change within Alaska and northwest Canada mapped using a 35-year satellite time series from 1985-2020. Environmental Research Letters. 17(11).
Pillay, R., Watson, J.E., Hansen, A.J., Jantz, P.A., Aragon-Osejo, J., Armenteras, D., Atkinson, S.C., Burns, P., Ervin, J., Goetz, S.J. and González-del-Pliego, P., 2022. Humid tropical vertebrates are at lower risk of extinction and population decline in forests with higher structural integrity. Nature Ecology & Evolution.
Quinn, C.A., Burns, P., Gill, G., Baligar, S., Snyder, R.L., Salas, L., Goetz, S.J. and Clark, M.L., 2022. Soundscape classification with convolutional neural networks reveals temporal and geographic patterns in ecoacoustic data. Ecological Indicators, 138, p.108831.
Belmonte, A., Sankey, T., Biederman, J., Bradford, J., Goetz, S. and Kolb, T., 2021. UAV-based estimate of snow cover dynamics: Optimizing semi-arid forest structure for snow persistence. Remote Sensing, 13(5), p.1036.
Boyd, M., Berner, L., Foster, A., Goetz, S.J., Rogers, B., Walker, X., Mack, M., 2021. Historic declines in growth portend trembling aspen death during a contemporary leaf miner outbreak in Alaska. Ecosphere 12(6) e03569,
Duncanson, L., Armston, J., Disney, M., Avitabile, V., Barbier, N., Calders, K., Carter, S., Chave, J., Herold, M., MacBean, N., McRoberts, R., Minor, D., Paul, K., Réjou-Méchain, M., Roxburgh, S., Williams, M., Albinet, C., Baker, T., Bartholomeus, H., Bastin, J.F., Coomes, D., Crowther, T., Davies, S., de Bruin, S., De Kauwe, M., Domke, G., Dubayah, R., Falkowski, M., Fatoyinbo, L., Goetz, S., Jantz, P. and 24 others, 2021. Aboveground Woody Biomass Product Validation Good Practices Protocol. Version 1.0. In L. Duncanson, M. Disney, J. Armston, J. Nickeson, D. Minor, and F. Camacho (Eds.), Good Practices for Satellite Derived Land Product Validation: Land Product Validation Subgroup (Working Group on Calibration and Validation, Committee on Earth Observation Satellites), doi:10.5067/doc/ceoswgcv/lpv/
Duncanson, L., Kellner, J. R., Armston, J., Dubayah, R., Minor, D. M., Hancock, S., Healey, S. P., Patterson, P. L., Saarela, S., Marselis, S., Silva, C. E., Bruening, J., Goetz, S.J. and 80 others, 2021. Aboveground biomass density models for NASA’s Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) lidar mission. Remote Sensing of Environment, 270,
Fagua, J. C., Jantz, P., Burns, P., Massey, R., Buitrago, J. Y., Saatchi, S., Hakkenberg, C., Goetz, S. J., 2021. Mapping tree diversity in the tropical forest region of Chocó-Colombia. Environmental Research Letters, 16(5), 54024.
Gaglioti, B.V., Berner, L.T., Jones, B.M., Orndahl, K.M., Williams, A.P., Andreu‐Hayles, L., D’Arrigo, R.D., Goetz, S.J. and Mann, D.H., 2021. Tussocks enduring or shrubs greening: Alternate responses to changing fire regimes in the Noatak River Valley, Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126(4), p.e2020JG006009.
Hakkenberg, C. R. & Goetz, S. J., 2021. Climate mediates the relationship between plant biodiversity and forest structure across the United States. Global Ecology and Biogeography,
Hakkenberg, C.R., D.D. Tarasi, S.C. Cushman, and R.K. Peet. 2021. Community – Continuum in Biogeography. In: International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. Wiley-AAG, Oxford, UK.
Hansen, A.J., Noble, B.P., Veneros, J., East, A., Goetz, S.J., Supples, C., Watson, J.E., Jantz, P.A., Pillay, R., Jetz, W. and Ferrier, S., 2021. Toward monitoring forest ecosystem integrity within the post‐2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. Conservation Letters, 14(4), p.e12822.
Law, B.E., Berner, L.T., Buotte, P.C., Mildrexler, D.J., and Ripple, W.J., 2021. Strategic Forest can protect biodiversity in the western United States and mitigate climate change. Communications Earth & Environment 2(1), 254, doi:10.1038/s43247-021-00326-0
Mekonnen, Z.A., Riley, W.J., Berner, L.T., Bouskill, N.J., Torn, M.S., Iwahana, G., Breen, A.L., Myers-Smith, I.H., Criado, M.G., Liu, Y., Euskirchen, E.S., Goetz, S. J., Mack, M. C. and Grant, R. F. 2021. Arctic tundra shrubification: a review of mechanisms and impacts on ecosystem carbon balance. Environmental Research Letters, 16(5), p.053001.
Walker, X.J., Alexander, H.D., Berner, L.T., Boyd, M.A., Loranty, M.M., Natali, S.M., and Mack, M.C., 2021. Positive response of tree productivity to warming is reversed by increased tree density at the Arctic tundra-taiga ecotone. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51(9), 1323-1338, doi:
Watts, J., Natali, S. M., Minions, C., Risk, D., Arndt, K. A., Zona, D., Euskirchen, Eugenie S., Rocha, A.V., Sonnentag, O., Helbig, M., Kalhori, A., Oechel, W.C., Ikawa, H., Ueyama, M., Suzuki, R., Kobayashi, H., Celis, G., Schuur, E.A.G., Humphreys, E.R., Kim, Y., Lee, B-Y., Goetz, S.J., Madani, N., Schiferl, L., Commane, R., Kimball, J.S., Liu, Z., Torn, M.S., Potter, S., Wang, J.A., Jorgenson, T., Xiao, J., Li, X., Edgar, C., 2021. Soil respiration strongly offsets carbon uptake in Alaska and Northwest Canada. Environmental Research Letters, 16(8), p.084051.
Anderegg, W.R.L., Trugman, A.T., Badgley, G., Anderson, C.M., Bartuska, A., Ciais, P., Cullenward, D., Field, C.B., Freeman, J., Goetz, S.J., Hicke, J.A., Huntzinger, D., Jackson, R.B., Nickerson, J., Pacala, S., Randerson, J.T. 2020. Climate-driven risks to the climate mitigation potential of forests, Science 368 (6497),
Andreu-Hayles, L., Gaglioti, B., Berner, L. T., Anchukaitis, K., Goetz, S., and D’Arrigo, R. 2020. A narrow window of summer temperatures associated with shrub growth in Arctic Alaska, Environmental Research Letters, 15(10), p. 105012,
Belmonte, A., Sankey, T., Biederman, J. A., Bradford, J., Goetz, S. J., Kolb, T., & Woolley, T. 2020. UAV-derived estimates of forest structure to inform ponderosa pine forest restoration. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. 6(2), pp. 181-197.
Berner, L.T., Massey, R., Jantz, P., Forbes, B.C., Macias-Fauria, M., Myers-Smith, I., Kumpula, T., Gauthier, G., Andreu-Hayles, L., Gaglioti, B.V. and Burns, P., 2020. Summer warming explains widespread but not uniform greening in the Arctic tundra biome. Nature Communications, 11(1), pp. 1-12.
Buotte, P.C., B.E. Law, W.J. Ripple, and L.T. Berner. 2020. Carbon sequestration and biodiversity co-benefits of preserving forests in the western United States. Ecological Applications, 30(2), p.e02039,
Dubayah, R., Blair, J.B., Goetz, S., Fatoyinbo, L., Hansen, M., Healey, S., Hofton, M., Hurtt, G., Kellner, J., Luthcke, S., Armston, J., Tang, H., Duncanson, L., Hancock, S., Jantz, P., Marselis, S., Patterson, P., Qi, W., Silva, C. 2020. The Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation: High-resolution laser ranging of the Earth’s forests and topography. Science of Remote Sensing 1, p. 100002.
Hansen, A.J., Burns, P., Ervin, J., Goetz, S.J., Hansen, M., Venter, O., Watson, J.E., Jantz, P.A., Virnig, A.L., Barnett, K. and Pillay, R., 2020. A policy-driven framework for conserving the best of Earth’s remaining moist tropical forests. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 4(10), pp.1377-1384. doi: 10.1038/s41559-020-1274-7
Kattge, J., G. Bönisch,… L.T. Berner et al. TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access. Global Change Biology 26:119-188,
Macander M.J., E. C. Palm, G.V. Frost, J. D. Herriges, P. R. Nelson, C. Roland, K. L.M. Russell, M. J. Suitor, T. W. Bentzen, K. Joly, S. J. Goetz, M. Hebblewhite. 2020. Lichen cover mapping for caribou ranges in interior Alaska and Yukon. Environmental Research Letters, 15(5), p. 55001,
Moomaw, W., Law, B. E., & Goetz, S. 2020. Focus on the role of forests and soils in meeting climate change mitigation goals. Environmental Research Letters. 15(4), p. 045009.
Myers-Smith, I. H., J. T. Kerby, … L.T. Berner, S.J. Goetz et al. 2020. Complexity revealed in the greening of the Arctic. Nature Climate Change 10(2), pp. 106-117,
Potter, S., Solvik, K., Erb, A., Goetz, S.J., Johnstone, J.F., Mack, M.C., Randerson, J.T., Román, M.O., Schaaf, C.L., Turetsky, M.R., Veraverbeke, S., Walker, X.J., Wang, Z., Massey, R., Rogers, B.M. 2020. Climate change decreases the cooling effect from post-fire albedo in boreal North America. Global Change Biology, 26(3), pp. 1592-1607.
Rogers, B., Balch, J.K., Goetz, S.J., Lehmann, C.E.R., Turetsky, M. 2020. Focus on changing fire regimes: Interactions with climate, ecosystems, and society. Environmental Research Letters, 15(3), p. 030201.
Thomas, H. J. D., Bjorkman, A. D., Myers-Smith, I. H., Elmendorf, S. C., and 80 others. 2020. Global plant trait relationships extend to the climatic extremes of the tundra biome. Nature Communications, 11(1), 1351.
Verdonen, M., Berner, L. T., Forbes, B. C., and Kumpula, T. 2020. Periglacial vegetation dynamics in Arctic Russia: decadal analysis of tundra regeneration on landslides with time series satellite imagery, Environmental Research Letters, 15(10), p. 105020,
Brancalion, P. H. S., Niamir, A., Broadbent, E., Crouzeilles, R., Barros, F. S. M., Almeyda Zambrano, A. M., Baccini, A., Aronson, J., Goetz, S.J., Reid, J. L., Strassburg, B. N., Wilson, S., Chazdon, R. L., 2019. Global restoration opportunities in tropical rainforest landscapes. Science Advances, 5(7), eaav3223.
Boyd, M. A., Berner, L. T., Doak, P., Goetz, S., Rogers, B., Wagner, D., Walker, X., Mack, M. C., 2019. Impacts of climate and insect herbivory on productivity and physiology of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) in Alaskan boreal forests. Environmental Research Letters. 14(8), p. 085010,
Foster, A. C., Armstrong, A. H., Shuman, J. K., Shugart, H. H., Rogers, B. M., Mack, M. C., Goetz, S. J., Ranson, K. J., 2019. Importance of tree- and species-level interactions with wild fire, climate, and soils in interior Alaska : Implications for forest change under a warming climate. Ecological Modelling, 409, p. 108765.
Frost, G. V., U. Bhatt, H. Epstein, D. Walker, M. K. Raynolds, L.T. Berner, J. W. Bjerke, A. L. Breen, B.C. Forbes, S. J. Goetz, C. M. Iversen, M. J. Lara, M. J. Macander, G. K. Phoenix, A. V. Rocha, V. G. Salmon, P. E. Thornton, H. Tømmervik, and S. D. Wullschleger. 2019. Tundra greenness. NOAA Arctic Report Card, 48-57.
Hansen, A., Barnett, K., Jantz, P., Phillips, L., Goetz, S.J., Hansen, M., Venter, O., Watson, J.E.M., Burns, P., Atkinson, S., Rodríguez-Buritica, S., Ervin, J., Virnig, A., Supples, C., De Camargo, R., 2019. Global humid tropics forest structural condition and forest structural integrity maps. Scientific Data, 6(1), pp. 1-12.
Hughes, M.K., A. Olchev, A.G. Bunn, L.T. Berner, M. Losleben, and E. Novenko. 2019. Different climate response of spruce and pine growth in northern European Russia. Dendrochronologia, 56, p. 125601,
Kleinschroth, F., Laporte, N., Laurance, W. F., Goetz, S. J., & Ghazoul, J., 2019. Road expansion and persistence in forests of the Congo Basin. Nature Sustainability. 2:628–634.
Miller, C.E., Griffith, P., Goetz, S., Hoy, E., Pinto, N., McCubbin, I., Thorpe, A.K., Hofton, M.M., Hodkinson, D.J., Hansen, C. and Woods, J., 2019. An overview of ABoVE airborne campaign data acquisitions and science opportunities. Environmental Research Letters.
Pastick, N.J., Jorgenson, M.T., Goetz, S.J., Jones, B.M., Wylie, B.K., Minsley, B.J., Genet, H., Knight, J.F., Swanson, D.K. and Jorgenson, J.C., 2019. Spatiotemporal remote sensing of ecosystem change and causation across Alaska. Global change biology, 25(3), pp.1171-1189.
Tang, H., Armston, J., Hancock, S., Marselis, S., Goetz, S., & Dubayah, R. , 2019. Characterizing global forest canopy cover distribution using spaceborne lidar. Remote Sensing of Environment, 231, 111262.
Tang, H., Song, X.P., Zhao, F.A., Strahler, A.H., Schaaf, C.L., Goetz, S., Huang, C., Hansen, M.C. and Dubayah, R., 2019. Definition and measurement of tree cover: A comparative analysis of field-, lidar-and landsat-based tree cover estimations in the Sierra national forests, USA. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 268, pp.258-268.
Thomas, H.J., Myers‐Smith, I.H., Bjorkman, A.D., Elmendorf, S.C., Blok, D., Cornelissen, J.H., Forbes, B.C., … Berner, L.T., Goetz, S.J. et al. 2019. Traditional plant functional groups explain variation in economic but not size‐related traits across the tundra biome. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 28(2), pp.78-95.
Walker, X. J., Baltzer, J. L., Cumming, S. G., Day, N. J., Ebert, C., Goetz, S.J., Johnstone, J. F., Potter, S., Rogers, B. M., Schuur, E. A. G., Turetsky, M. R., Mack, M. C., 2019. Increasing wildfires threaten historic carbon sink of boreal forest soils. Nature, 572(7770), 520–523.
Anderegg, L.D., Berner, L.T., Badgley, G., Sethi, M.L., Law, B.E. and HilleRisLambers, J., 2018. Within‐species patterns challenge our understanding of the leaf economics spectrum. Ecology Letters, 21(5), pp.734-744.
Berner, L.T., Jantz, P., Tape, K.D. and Goetz, S. J., 2018. Tundra plant aboveground biomass and shrub dominance mapped across the North Slope of Alaska. Environmental Research Letters, 13(3), p.035002.
Bjorkman, A. D., Myers-Smith, I. H., Elmendorf and 123 others. 2018. Plant functional trait change across a warming tundra biome. Nature, 562, pp.57–62.
Fisher, J. B., Hayes, D. J., Schwalm, C. R., Huntzinger, D. N., Stofferahn, E., Schaefer, K., Huntzinger, D. Stofferahn, E., Schaefer, K., Luo, Y., Wullschleger, S. D., Goetz, S. J., Miller, C. E., Griffith, P. 2018. Missing pieces to modeling the Arctic-Boreal puzzle. Environmental Research Letters. 13(2). doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aa9d9a
Foster, A.C., Shuman, J.K., Shugart, H.H, and Negron, J., 2018. Modeling the interactive effects of spruce beetle infestation and climate on subalpine vegetation. Ecosphere, 9(10), e02437.
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