Lab Members

Scott Goetz
Google Scholar
Email: Scott.Goetz@nau.edu
Phone: 928-523-8903
Research interests: Ecosystem responses to environmental change, Arctic-boreal vulnerability, biodiversity & habitat, global forest dynamics, remote sensing

Logan Berner
Assistant Research Professor
Google Scholar
Email: logan.berner@nau.edu
Research Interests: Forest ecology, carbon cycling, climate change, satellite remote sensing, geospatial modeling

Chris hakkenberg
Assistant Research Professor
Google Scholar
Email: chris.hakkenberg@nau.edu
Research Interests: Remote sensing of forest structure and dynamics, biodiversity, wildfire, carbon

Patrick Jantz
Assistant Research Professor
Google Scholar
Email: Patrick.Jantz@nau.edu
Phone: 928-523-9225
Research interests: Forest canopy structure, geoinformatics, remote sensing, sustainable development

Patrick Burns
Senior Research Scientist
Google Scholar
Email: Patrick.Burns@nau.edu
Research interests: Earth observation, remote sensing, lidar, hyperspectral imaging

Kathleen Orndahl
Research Scientist
Google Scholar
Email: Kathleen.Orndahl@nau.edu
Research Interests: Arctic vegetation ecology, climate change impacts on arctic ecosystems, caribou ecology, UAV operations, satellite remote sensing

Matteo redana
Postdoctoral Scholar
Google Scholar
Email: Matteo.Redana@nau.edu
Research Interests: Habitat responses to environmental changes, Tropical forest dynamics, Water-Land habitats interaction, remote sensing, UAVs

ivan gonzalez
PhD Student
Google Scholar
Email: ig299@nau.edu
Research Interests: Ecohydrology, remote sensing, land use change, spatial and quantitative ecology

Skye Salganek
PhD Student
Email: dss66@nau.edu
Research interests: Wildlife habitat selection and movement ecology, ungulate ecology, climate change impacts, remote sensing applications, snowpack dynamics and evolution

Shelby Sundquist
PhD Student
Google Scholar
Email: ss3988@nau.edu
Research interests: Ecological modelling, disturbances, remote sensing, arctic and boreal forest ecology
Former Lab Members

Colin Quinn
Email: cq73@nau.edu
Research interests: Biogeography, remote sensing, environmental response to climate and human impact, landscape archaeology

Żaneta kaszta
Google Scholar
Email: Zaneta.Kaszta@nau.edu
Research interests: Landscape ecology and genetics, species distribution and biodiversity modelling, decision support systems for conservation, impact of land use change on wildlife and ecosystems, tropical ecology, remote sensing
Camilo Fagua
Google Scholar
Email: Camilo.Fagua@nau.edu
Research Interests: Spatial analysis, land use change, remote sensing, species distribution modelling, tropical ecology

Adrianna Foster
Google Scholar
Email: Adrianna.Foster@nau.edu
Research Interests: Forest ecology, vegetation dynamics, disturbances, ecological modeling, climate change, remote sensing

Richard Massey
Google Scholar
Email: Richard.Massey@nau.edu
Research Interests: Remote sensing, climate change, agriculture, machine learning, high-performance computing, cloud computing architecture

Melissa Rose
Research interests: Landscape ecology, remote sensing, UAV applications, geospatial analysis, species distribution modelling, biodiversity, conservation

Anna Odell
Research Interests: Macrosystems ecology, vegetation response to climate and land-use change, satellite remote sensing

laura puckett
Research Interests: Forest ecology, climate change, remote sensing, ecological modeling

Nancy Peterson
Research Interests: Forest ecology, species modeling, remote sensing, conservation biology